Guesswork Ground truth
Our robot pose solvers open the black box. Changing your build? No problem. Run a repeatable, accurate process to calibrate sensors, diagnose errors, and validate your results. And move on.
Camera Calibration
Reliable monocular and stereo camera calibration.
Your algorithms need good calibrations to work; don’t let them down. We’ve built the industrial calibration tool that lets you focus on your product.
TurniFi Extrinsics
Multi-sensor extrinsic calibration and motion groundtruthing.
Robust fiducial SLAM for repeatable multi-sensor calibration and accurate motion estimation. Custom coordinate frames and kinematic constraints give the flexibility needed to model almost any robot.
Visual Positioning
Accurate pose estimation, no lidar required
Skip Visual Positioning uses natural structure in the robot’s environment to estimate motion. We develop custom visual localization and positioning solutions using our in-house visual odometry library. Running in realtime, our system supports both stereo and monocular applications.