
Instructions for installing and configuring Skip Robotics products via our APT repository.

Installing the Skip Robotics APT repository

Follow these instructions to configure the Skip APT repository for Ubuntu. Each product has its own repository. Access to these repositories is limited to current customers of each product.

Download our public key

The Skip software packages are signed by a private key; in order to use our repositories you must add the corresponding public key to your system. This allows your OS to verify that the software being downloaded was produced by Skip Robotics and has not been tampered with. It is important that you obtain this private key securely from our website via https. To do so, download the repository public key to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/skip-robotics-6A1D6E72.gpg on your machine.

Install the product repository

Before installing your Skip Robotics product/tool, you will need to set up our apt repository for the corresponding product. To do so, you will need to add two more files to your /etc/apt/ directory.

First you will need to create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/skiprobotics.list with the following contents:

deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/skip-robotics-6A1D6E72.gpg] UBUNTU_CODENAME main

Second, you will need to add your private repository credentials. Each Skip Robotics product has a secure apt repository for installation and any updates. You will have received credentials for these repositories during onboarding. Note that your repository username and password are different from your product key. To install the credentials, create the following file at /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/skip-robotics.conf:

machine login REPO_USER password REPO_PASS

Creating this file will allow apt to authenticate with our server repository.

Configuring your product license key

After purchasing our products, you will receive a license / activation key by email. To install the product, add environment variables with the appropriate product keys to your ~/.bashrc:


Running the product binary with the license key variable set will automatically activate the product on the local machine.

If the license key variable for a product is not present, the product will deactivate the local machine when run. This can be used to move the license to a different machine. Contact us if you've reached your activation limit and are unable to run the tool. We can manually remove dead/lost machine activations if needed.